Friday, 13 March 2015

Colour Swatching for my Digpak

The following images were generated by the site 'Pictalous'

- This site (Pictalous) takes the most important colour swatches from the images and generates a set of colours for me to play around with
-Therefore, when I take my own images and produce my own product, I can use this site to colour swatch and thus will be easier to edit and keep to the conventions of the front of my Digipak.
- I will use these Google images (some by artists) to create Google mock-ups of my Digipak final product before I go out and take my own photos and still images.

1st Colour Generated Image:        
This is the suggested colour swatch the website suggested for this photo. I like these earthy, elemental colours as they are quite simple and not too in-your-face.

2nd Colour Generated Image:

Both this and the 1st image were created by Underwater Photographer 'Elena Kalis'. It creates a hyper-real fantastical reality within a photo. The reference in this second photo has the intertextual reference of Alice in Wonderland. I love how it is portrayed within water and the entrapment of her falling down the tree is captured in a still, almost like it would have been in slow-motion if it were out of the water.

These are brighter that the first photo and focus more around the water aspects within the image. I think these colours have calming qualities.

3rd Colour Generated Image:

I like the colour scheme within this photo because it is minimal and more neutral than the blues and greens found in the above and below photographs. The yellow and brown tinges make this photo unusual and mysterious. The suggestion of water within an inanimate object (such as the light bulb) creates a distinct allusion for the viewer. It is completely abstract and therefore up to interpretation for the viewer as to what it is about. This is the kind of thing I wish to create within my magazine advert and Digipak  for my Music Video. The image of something, but the suggestion can be interpreted in lots of different ways.
These are very minimilstic colours which I think I would more likely use for my end product for my Digipak. Therefore, it would keep with the conventions of my music video (the visuals not being too colourful)

4th Colour Generated Image:

I adore the light and dark contrast in this photo and the lighting almost reflects as if it were a religious connotation. It also reminds me of Bill Viola's Ascension in which I'd previously researched. However, this would be extremely difficult to re-create, so for my original images, I could maybe incorporate the light and dark aspects and maybe the light shining (showing her the way). The water makes everything in this shot beautiful, from her dress to her hair, everything looks perfectly poised, like the photographer has done touch-ups for the shoot. However, it is the water that has created this effect and therefore, nature has manipulated this beauty captured.
The dark aspects of this palette are very mysterious and alluring. They are not too over the top but follow the same theme of darker shades. The contrast between the more 'white' colour against the dark really stands out.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Conventions of Independent Digipaks


Here are some simple conventions of Independent artist CD Packages.

- This has helped me understand what I need to include on my front cover, back and CD when I create my own for my chosen music artist

Analysis of Existing Digipak Products (Industry)

This is a series of slides regarding my first bit of research for my Ancillary texts.

- I have analysed one Mainstream artist CD package

- I have analysed one Independent artists CD package

- They are both analysed in regards with CD front cover, CD and the back of the CD

- There are also links to YouTube clips which show a visual of how the CD packages look in 3D

Monday, 9 March 2015

Ideas, Ideas, Ideas

Teen Wolf Montage

I found this whilst looking on Youtube at other clips of water footage. Although I have never watched this programme, I thought that some of the scenes were useful for working out what to incorporate into my video next. For example, the scene when the male and female characters are being pushed into the bath without any real struggle was very interesting. I thought that this was a good idea for my music video as the representation of almost willingly being "drowned" highlights the message of my abstract first draft and plan to try and incorporate it into my next film shoot. There are various other scenes, such as the shattered glass (looking at reflections) - almost as if he was looking in the past. This is when I had my second idea for my music video...

Second Idea

If I take the idea of the past, I could cleverly portray flashbacks within my video. I thought it would be a good idea to dig out some old-footage of me, my sister and brother when we were children. Therefore, the video would be more about a reflection of the subject's life. Not necessarily that she wants to drown herself, more like she is engrossed with growing up and making decisions and taking that step into the next part of her life. Pretty much what I am feeling/going through at the moment - and therefore makes it personal to me and thus ensures that whoever may watch it, would feel connected in different ways. These shots that I plan to incorporate would be in Black and White - to show the contrast and also make the video less linear and literal.

Coursework Plan

Coursework Plan up until Easter Holidays (In order of priority)

Filming 08/03/15 

  • Bathroom 
Props I need
  • Buy silver shampoo (£3.05 from tesco - keeping the small budget)
  • Clingfilm?
  • Order a tripod from media (book for over the weekend)
  • Erin Miller (same as before - keeping continuity)
Editing 12/03/15
  • Adobe - make sure its edited before next filming shoot
  • Find out how to make colours negative (inside out)
Filming 15/03/15

  • Town centre pon (Near Queens garden - bike here?)
  • Various other obscure 'moody' places (maybe old-town?)
Things I need
  • Camera
  • Book out tripod again (this wednesday)
  • None applicable for these scenes
Ancillary Text Research 13/03/15
Taking pictures deadline 19/03/15 (and edited

  • Analyse existing mainstream dront cover/s
  • Analyse existing independent music artists fron cover/s
  • Conventions of digipaks
  • Digipak histiry (history of graphics, photoshop... etc)
  • Colour scheme research
  • Mock digipak and how I created it with Photoshop (maybe use an on-screen filiming software)
  • One-to-one video (two participants - friends or mutual) on their favourite cd cover and why
Location for shoot
  • Bathroom?
  • Back garden?
  • Park Avenue park? (near the water)
  • Water (not really a prop but needs to have continuity with my current bath scenes)
  • Purple shampoo? (if in bath)
  • Camera
  • Book out tripod
Pre-production Research 28/03/15
  • Put no-lyric audio onto music video 
  • Analysis of narrative/abstract/performance
  • Health and safety grids
  • Watch -the Tree of Life' - talk about the director
  • Google mock-ups of cinematography ideas 
  • Textual analysis (with applied theorist - if you have time)
  • PINTEREST mood-board of mise-en-scene ideas 
  • Put together old-town footage into video
  • How social media is used to organise events (like festivals... etc)
  • Some random test shots with effects (probably get these from old-footage of bath scenes - shows development into first draft)
  • The main genre theory
  • The main audience theory
  • Find your old photography book and research Jumpology - make a blog post (take some shots of Lottie jumping - upload in slow-mo)
East Holiday - Evaluation Write Up 11/04/15

Filming Shoot Quick Preparation 


I have decided not to film in Town, but instead in my back garden using my sister as another actress 'Lottie Bell'. This is going to be incorporated within my music video as flashbacks as I was informed I could not use previous family footage as it all has to be my own film (things I have filmed with my camera). Therefore, this footage with displace that idea. I will update a preparation and filming shoot slide to my blog shortly. So 15/03/15 filming will be shot in my back garden with my sister.